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Actual Trim Size
Any size not bigger than 322 x 484mm. Smaller artworks will be placed in the centre of a sheet.

Colour Space
Please provide your artwork in CMYK palette. Ensure that ALL images, text and other design elements have colours set to CMYK palette and do not contain any RGB or Pantone colours.
Black Solid
In order to obtain rich saturated black use 33%C 33%M 33%Y 100%K.
Gray Solid
If you want the background to be grey, compose it of the 'K' component only, without using the remaining 'CMY' colours.
Tone Gradation
Do not set your tonal range for values smaller than 5%.
To avoid visual bands add some noise to your gradation.
Optimum Resolution
Optimum resolution for bitmaps (graphics, photos) is 300dpi.
Please set texts and any important information (graphics, photos) at least 3mm from the edge of a page (in actual trim size) and from scores for folding.

When rotating your artwork by -90 degrees please check whether the bitmaps rotate correctly.

Set all texts on a separate top layer.

In case of saving your artwork as CDR file, please group all the objects and convert all fonts to curves / paths.
In your file please define your artwork size in accordance with above mentioned size and place your artwork centrally on a page.
If you save as EPS file the artwork which has no background (white), please frame it to above mentioned size.

Due to cutting tolerance some slight movements in relation to artwork edges may occur. For that reason we recommend to avoid those kinds of framing where such distortions could be visible.

By default utilities are reversed Head to Head.

File Saving
File Formats
Only PDF version 1.3!! Orders with files in other formats will not be printed.
Additional Information
If you have text in your artwork please remember to convert it to curves / paths or supply all fonts within the job with your application file.

When saving your file as PDF, please remember also to set high resolution of the graphics.

We provide printing proofs only from Xerox iGen3 Digital Production Press.
Xerox iGen3

Additional Information
Please keep in mind that due to differences in printing technology and colour presentation, some differences in colours may occur also when compared to inkjet printouts or colours displayed on a computer screen.

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